New Year News

New Year News

Today is the start of the lunar new year. Imbolc on this day marks the start of spring, and this is also the Chinese New Year: the Year of the Tiger. Since I didn’t get to make a New Year’s post on the Gregorian calendar, I’m going to make a New Year’s post on the Chinese calendar.

I’ll make no bones about it: the end of 2021 was a bit crap. Covid hit us in October. By the time we were all recovering, a right stinker of a cold hit over Christmas, hanging around longer than Covid! As a result, this delayed me completing my work and I’ve had to put my nose firmly to the grindstone to try to recover. I have now met that deadline, so I can, at least, return to some of my own projects.


That said, I’ve not been completely idle with my projects, I simply haven’t had anything or any time to post. Let’s do that now!

While exploring other alternate systems for possible use with Draconic, I came across one system that sparked an idea in me for a new project.

Now, this doesn’t mean that I’m abandoning Draconic — quite the opposite. Although a completely different setting, this project creatively complements it. I can deliver playable content sooner with a faster-built world and game format while I continue to work on my larger, slightly grander, more layered world (as this is what it seems to be becoming).

The world of Draconic is firmly centred around dragons but (spoiler) there aren’t that many dragons in the general day-to-day of the game — but that’s the point. This new game aims to fill that void with lots of dragon action! Different world, different tone, but something I hope you’ll find fun to play.

I’m drafting a very rough SRD for myself so I can rush out a foolhardy demo adventure. I’ll announce full details when that’s available, with early access to all my patrons. Ultimately, I want to encourage new patrons, so this will be publicly available at a later date. I plan to make patron-exclusive content in the long run also. Unlike Draconic, where I want to build a rich world from the start, with this new game, my approach is different. The idea is to release playable adventures periodically (much as my ultimate intention with Draconic) that reveal more of the world as you play. As you play through a serialised campaign you will have a  playable world to continue in afterwards  — or, perhaps, even during! This doesn’t mean I’ll get it right straight away, of course, and I may need to tweak, adjust, re-write, and retcon – but isn’t that all part of the fun?

Now is a fantastic time to become a Patron, if you’re not one already. By supporting here, you’re giving me the chance to focus on these projects and give you exclusive content and previews. Perhaps, even, be part of the process!

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